skillz tha poet

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

somebody called daylight

somebody called daylight,
told her the frost had knocked,
and a heart was cold,
and she said a ray was warm,
and smiles were to come,
and she heard that none so strong,
could turn that around,
and she smiled,
told of beauty on the rose,
and melodies of a cockatoo,
and so love rained,
in rays that grew,
and that smile was brought

last temptation

there was a cigar,
a dance hall boom and smoke,
and she danced to his eye gaze,
she did whine for him,
and a beer came,
a pop of the cap,
the frizzle,
a sip,
and he had won the battle,
a last temptation..


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Take heart little fella

he sat and stared as they laughed,
in an evening fall,
and a downing rain,
in their joy he found amusement,
he did not fit,
and as they chatted the darkness in,
he raced thoughts to the lone road he took,
up into the ghostly forest,
into the whistling beast that on many feast,
to disappear into the welcoming hands,
of a never failing fog,
to the freezing shack he called home,
and so he sat amazed by they,
not a little sadness on his face,
but a clot of a tear that life had given,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Always a sad song

There are tears,
falling dew on wilting lilies,
fog in mourners den,
pity a tune none shall sing,
inhumane laughter in deepness of pain,
always a sad song played,
always a sad song sang,