skillz tha poet

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


what is this justice,
i hear people rant about?
is it a cup of tea,
or a slice of bread,
for their morning take?
is it a bottle of coolness,
to quench their thirst?
is it a plate at their table,
they for dinner?
is it full?
is it empty
what is this justice,
a chorus in everybody's lips?
 for i see no justice,
on rotting bones,
what is left of a people,
dying of hunger,
in that old lady,
we all had to watch
succumb to the rage,
somebody is to blame..
i see no justice,
in crowded cells,
mistreated inmates,
slaves of modernity..
i see no justice,
but piled up files,
all in dust and spider web sealed,
and i still see no justice,
they talk about,
but a change of dress...
for the suits hold no difference,
to the cloaks and wigs,
but all nudity to hide,
and i see no justice,
in studs or earrings,
a persons own sense,
of fashion or what he thinks...
so tell me you,
what is this justice,
you choir about,
for i see nothing chief in justice

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