skillz tha poet

Friday, October 14, 2011

my last moments

a morning sight clogged,
falling dew,
a birds freezing,
everything from a cold hiding,
in my death,
a fog embrace this corpse,
laid on straws,
tied to yet to season logs,
carried to that river,
a murky water now all clear,
gushing that did seize,
float me in their goodbyes,
a ritual they will make,
shower this cold body with roses,
and light a flame,
then drift me away,
waving from the banks,
a tears forcefully shed,
hearts happy,
dancing in joy,
the demise of a nobody,
the son of no one,
father to none,
a husband to never be,
so none a ghost shall haunt,
the merry of dying young,
but a spirit shall awaken,
their lands to roam,
and to every unkind heart,
shall rip apart,
squeeze out,
that cold scolder,
a eyes shall pluck out,
slit their throats,
hang that kicking silly,
a young ghost that dates death,
married to the devils daughter,
and so be it,
the reign of fire brought,
to walk with crows,
guided by owls,
the dark to rule,


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