Saturday, September 24, 2011

Honesty in thoughts..

coffee in a tainted mug,
a dish washer it has never seen,
and i sip this frothy black liquid,
a taste of sugar and not too well talked of a drug,
lost in flashbacks of by gone memories,
of the women i loved and the woman i do,
a little thought of those i never had,
a forced smile to mask the guilt,
but to what guilt should i cow,
if the woman i dream of,
under her linen another man entertained?
but to what guilt should i cow,
if the one i trust another man job she blows?
rocking the taxi from the back seat,
in dark alleys that they hide...
such questions that tear my heart,
such thoughts that shutter my ego,
and so none understands,
why ice my heart a cap has,
why my fingers cold a touch feels,
why my gaze bloody it is,
blood shot eyes and veins that run down the face,
of love torments and tears that never dry,
for that is how life has become,
never what it used to be,
to have and to hold,
to love and to cherish,
forgotten like adam and eves' death,
anyone that ever had of it?
but life goes on i hear,
nothing different from a rose,
that withers upon its branch...
faith gone,
trust dead,
and love a chorus sang only at a burial...


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