Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The soldier pt. 1

saw him crawl up the lonely mountains,
a man that the world lost,
in tatters still dressed,
stains of a journey for days taken,
his hair a bush a gardener never seen,
a face pale too many blows from a scorching sun,
and on he crawled,
this soldier that many gory scenes had seeen,
for war never a park be,
all those fallen friends,
a man made destruction taken,
he had cried to that,
a hope once of home to get,
and you could see him,
a wretch of pity,
walking on all fours,
talking to none,
maybe his shadow friend,
but home is lost,
little hope he had gone,
all but skeletons left,
something once used to be,
collapsing shells a home used to stand,
no more smoke,
just bare chimneys,
that lone stand,
a welcome to a soldier many days lost,
that lone broken son,
a father never back saw..

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